Come to my play!

Manhattan Repertory Theatre Presents:

King of the Mountain

Written by Tom Decker
Directed by Mary Geerlof
Performed by Ryan Murray

April 29, 30, and May 1 @ 7pm

Tickets: $20
Reservations: (646) 329-6588

Manhattan Repertory Theatre
303 W. 42nd St. @ 8th Ave. - 3rd Floor - NYC

February 17, 2009

Prologue: Submitting the Play

God I’m verbose. And I love writing about myself. That’s why this whole “web-log” thing is a bad idea. But you people want to read stuff ...

Well, let’s keep this stage short and to the point. January rolled around, and desperate for a new job, I remembered that I should submit that play I had lying around to upcoming play festivals. As it turns out, my intuition was well-timed. The deadlines for several festivals were in a matter of weeks. So I got the materials, and paged through all the rules and regulations, and ended up sending my script to only one festival at the beginning of February. I had worked at the theater last September, and knew that I would love the opportunity to perform in their intimate, no-frills space. The days of nervous anticipation began …

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