Come to my play!

Manhattan Repertory Theatre Presents:

King of the Mountain

Written by Tom Decker
Directed by Mary Geerlof
Performed by Ryan Murray

April 29, 30, and May 1 @ 7pm

Tickets: $20
Reservations: (646) 329-6588

Manhattan Repertory Theatre
303 W. 42nd St. @ 8th Ave. - 3rd Floor - NYC

March 5, 2009

Cruising the Flatlands …

Simply, much has gone well this week for the production—rather swimmingly, you might say. Okay, enough of my immodesty—time to go back to the usual self-deprecation and trepidation.

First, through family contacts, I have secured a source of cycling gear—for only the price of postage. Sweet. Eventually I’ll compile a list (well, for those of you who’ve read the script, the costuming is blatantly described in detail at the top of the play for the benefit for any shoe-string production of this play and to frustrate the talented imagination of an actual costume designer) of items—such as a racing jersey and shorts, shoes (a surprising matter of debate), sunglasses, a watch, and a helmet—and see what our friend, an actual cyclist, will let us borrow out of the goodness of his heart.

Second, I may have a director. Allow me to clarify. I have spoken to a director—who worked with Mandy on a past show—and she seems very interested in my project. I sent her the script on Monday, and tonight she will join us for dinner. Yes, that’s right: more theatre networking over food and booze. It never ends. It never should. So, expect an after-dinner post (Alert! 2 Pw0sts in 1ne day? No wai!) on the outcome of the meeting. I expect less-than-stellar spelling, but impeccable grammar. Can’t wait.

This week, the production team faced a deadline, today actually. The theatre requires a logo—an image with the play’s title and author (mine and me)—and “hook” of less than 30 words to display on their website and for whatever steps they take to publicize the festival (let’s hope they works). It was truly a team effort. While I wrote the enticing sentence, Tim created the logo with Mandy’s PowerPoint skills for the finishing touch. Take a look, I think we did pretty well:

Damn that’ll look good on a postcard. And remember, be sure to tell your friends (and strangers in the supermarket, why not?): "In King of the Mountain, an over-the-hill rider in the Tour de France struggles to reach the finish line—and win the race against himself." How ‘bout that for a hook? Yeah, that’s what I thought. They’ll be coming in droves. A cycling play that’s about more than bikes? Oh yeah, those New Yorkers are gonna eat it up. Get ready Manhattan—I’m bringin’ it.

Well, except for a bit of work tweaking our logo and hook, it’s been smooth riding this week. But did I mention the bike?

1 comment:

  1. I feel like there was a parenthetical comment aimed at me...
