Come to my play!

Manhattan Repertory Theatre Presents:

King of the Mountain

Written by Tom Decker
Directed by Mary Geerlof
Performed by Ryan Murray

April 29, 30, and May 1 @ 7pm

Tickets: $20
Reservations: (646) 329-6588

Manhattan Repertory Theatre
303 W. 42nd St. @ 8th Ave. - 3rd Floor - NYC

April 29, 2009

Opening Night!

If you're not aware, tonight is opening. Be there. I'm nervous/excited--but strangely confident.

(And yes, I'm aware that I have not posted on tech or dress rehearsal. Obviously, I'm a tad busy. I'll write a re-cap when I get around to it.)


  1. break a leg and all that jazz
    I hope it ends - "and then a shark ate them. The end."

    Will (with two "L"s)

  2. As I sat at the Wednesday evening performance, I got the sense that the audience was sitting there listening to an aging cyclist reminiscing aloud about his past and present condition and reacting to things around him in a very natural manner. It was as if he was having a casual conversation with the audience. There was no hint that the Actor had memorize every word, no hint that many hours had been spent on directing his every movement and no hint of the time spent creating the sound bites. With a well written script and capable tecniticians, the play flowed naturally. Well done. Tom Sr.
