Come to my play!

Manhattan Repertory Theatre Presents:

King of the Mountain

Written by Tom Decker
Directed by Mary Geerlof
Performed by Ryan Murray

April 29, 30, and May 1 @ 7pm

Tickets: $20
Reservations: (646) 329-6588

Manhattan Repertory Theatre
303 W. 42nd St. @ 8th Ave. - 3rd Floor - NYC

April 3, 2009

April the Second & Rehearsal the Second

Ah, April—you know what they say. And if you don’t, I’m sure you’re better off.

Regardless, it is the month of my play. The very month. April. Now. Less than 4 weeks until opening night.

This evening we moved on to working the next section of the play, in which Max muses on his role as a domestique, confronts his dearth of fluids, and combats hostile spectators. As much as our focus is on just progressing through the script, we are also trying to pin down the emotional core of each segment and focus on making each part its own entity with its particular intent and effect. Meanwhile, we’re also contemplating staging; for instance, how to splash Max with water from the front row, or how to effectively present Max’s entrance during the opening voice overs.

In other news, the NY Amazing Play Festival is legitimately on the Manhattan Repertory Theatre website. Our graphic is the first, and obviously the best. Check it out!

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